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Coach Tero

Fitness Coach and Administrator

BCAK Kinesiologist Bachelor of Human Kinetics, minor in Clinical Exercise Physiology My mission is to help a younger version of myself in other people. Growing up I was always really skinny (6’3 at 140lbs), and that came with feelings of being shy, unworthy, unmasculine, weak and unconfident. I really had to dig deep to get myself to go consistently to the gym at the age of 15, with the intention of putting on weight and struggling with it. Thankfully, I had a few good people in my life that I could utilize as mentors and good sources of inspiration and discipline. I want to be that source of inspiration for others, to gain some confidence in themselves knowing that they can make happen what they want to. And it doesn’t have to be fitness related, but any kind of discipline that can be honed to make lives better. If I were to quit on this dream I would have to continue working part time jobs and/or find another job in the field that I went to university for; Kinesiology. That would mean being tied down to one location and not being able to influence the people I see, that remind me of a younger version of myself, here in Canada or across borders. Today, I am still 6'3" but sitting at much healthier 205 lbs. I want to share the knowledge I have gained throughout my years in the gym, as well as the professional education I acquired through College and University. Let's outlines some of your fitness and health related goals together. We will crush this. Lets fucking go!

Coach Tero